Shipping within Germany:
Postage and packaging costs for deliveries within Germany (except weapons, backpacks, Jakele shooting stick Z4) are 6.95 Euro.
Shipping costs for weapons are 25 Euro.
Shipping cost for Jakele Z4 are 20 Euro.
Shipping costs to Austria:
The shipping costs are 6,95 Euros (except weapons and Jakele Z4).
Shipping costs for Jakele shooting stick Z4 are 20 Euro.
Shipping costs for weapons are 25 Euro.
Shipping costs inside of EU (except Italy and Romania):
The shipping costs are 15 Euros (except weapons and Jakele Z4).
Shipping costs for Jakele shooting stick Z4 are 20 Euro.
Shipping costs for weapons are 25 Euro.
Shipping costs to Italy and Romania:
The shipping costs are 30 Euro (all articles: accessories and weapons).
Italy, Switzerland and other countries:
The shipping costs are 25 Euros.
Please send us an inquiry for heavier shipments. Express-delivery is possible – please enquire about the conditions
Shipment abroad is subject to export regulations. Please enquire about it.
Please contact us